17sleep days til Christmas & GRADES...
After a week or so working on my template here at Diaryland, I finally came up with something that is cute and legible (sp?)... Whether my readers (if I have any) like it or not, I don't know.

I have done two final exams and have two more to go.

I was stressing hard about my Government class, the way my test grades were I was sure I'd fail. I was shocked and happy to see that my final grade in the class was a C. I would rather have that than an D or F.

I needed to make a 39 to make an A in Algebra, but if I decided not to take the exam I would have a final grade of a B. Eric knew that I wanted my A, so I took the final and I won my A in the class. The Algebra will look good on my Transcript, but it does not effect my GPA whatsoever. Now I have Psychology exam today and my History exam tomorrow. I'll let you know the results...