Tha good good life
Sorry it's been so long since I updated here. Tomorrow I will get to hang out with my mom, my stepdad, my sister and her daughter (my niece who will have a little one of her own come December), my brother and two out of his three kids, my bf Jake and his daughter. It's mom and my stepdad's anniversary and they are paying for us to join them at Golden Corral to eat lunch or dinner whatever you'd wanna call it.

I am still working happily at Walmart and last week I was awarded with two customer compliments about my helping and niceness. I was even awarded a smiley face foam ring from one of my managers after she let me know about a customer compliment.

I work 1-9 on Father's day so this evening after I got home from work, I gave Jake his father's day stuff. His card and the flask I bought him. A few weekends ago we stayed the night/camped out in our friend Cherrie's backyard and his high dollar flask got stolen. He didn't pay for it as it was a gift from a older guy friend of his but still he loved that thing.

Well, not much else to discuss at this time.

I'm signing off!
