*Lost cat in a full house*
Oreo has ran away... It's been over a month and I'm starting to think he won't be back... even if someone tells me differently. I just dred when someone asks me "Has he come back yet?" If I wear a smile it's instantly gone to answer the question....

We have a new little doll. Her name is Cookie. At first Ozla just ran from her but now they play and wrestle around. They are both bad lol. Ozla is always getting into stuff and knocking this down in my room. Cookie always wants something to eat even if she just ate. But It would be too quiet around if we didn't have them.

Mom and I are trying our hardest to get through the next few days as my brother and his 2 youngest are staying with us until the 14th. Then his electricity should be back on and we'll have our apartment back to normal. Don't get me wrong I love my family, but my nephew makes it way harder than things have to be.

I guess that is all for this time...