Friend or foe? Too much back and forth...
Something has been heavily on my mind since yesterday and I figured this was good a place as any to talk about it without any drama from the person involves in case they were to realize I was meaning them.

This friend I have had over the years, I'm tired of going back and forth with her. It's all good for a while then we never talk and or hang out. She has many double standards I am sure she is not aware of but I sure the heck am...

When I first moved here from my home town she was saddened but we still managed to do alot together. Then it was said that my guy took up too much of my time so we became very distant. Then we were good again.

After a time she started spending alot of time with her guy and ignoring me but of course forbid me to say anything about it.

Then we were good again.
He and I ended we were good again for a time only to then it all change up and we become distant all over again.

Then she moves here and we are good again. I am introduced to a friend of hers and we hit it off. She gets an attitude at first saying something about how fast we said I love you to each other and how it should be found out what it means before saying it.

After a time, we were getting close again until she gets with someone else and then doesnt want to hang as much. Only to later on be willing to make us close friends again.

She ends up moving back to my hometown promising we will stay close.... Yeah we have barely spoken in two months.

We both discussed a couple of weeks after her moving days we both had off so we could hang out... Saying she'd come late one night so we could hang out and stay up late since she was off the following day... Only to have me ready to hang out and be let down. Then her saying she'd come the day after only to have me waiting again only to be let down once again. No explaination or any conversation...

Me trying to do all I can to bring out friendship back to life only to come up to deadends. Getting to where I ignore anyting she says because a friendship is like a relationship 50/50 (though others have different numbers.(

Been so long since we had talked I removed her number. Something happened and to make my guy feel better I texted her hoping to console her only to get two responses... I wouldn't want to make her break a nail and say more to me...

I have just decided to cut my loses, she'll come back she usually does....