Everything and more
So much to share and discuss...

First off, I am so ready to go out of town on Saturday and shop with my dad and step-mom. It is a much needed and much anticipated trip out of town and away from it all for a day. My dad informed me when we started planning this day that it would be an ALL DAY event and I couldn't be happier for it.

Second of all, I need to take the measures I need in hopes of getting my DL. It really is bad when no-one wants to take the time out of thier schedule to help me learn so that I am not just sitting and never learning what I need to learn in order to do what it takes to get it accomplished.

I have only been in my father's truck once and then he was done showing me. Then Jake's truck has only been allowed to me in the apt parking lot only like three to four times and nothing else since then.

Third, it is impossible and difficult to save money for my DL when I have a wedding to finish getting set up for in July.

Just so much stuff and not enough time/money for it all....