I'm going through some personal issues right now...

I just want to be at home and cry for a good few hours and then I'll be alright...

I need to apply for food stamps and WIC but getting there is a major issue considering I don't have legal transportation and I do not have money to pay anyone to take me to any appointments...

I feel like I'm often left alone with no one but God, myself, or my husband (when he's home). Often times he's with his friend Jared working on automobiles and I'm left at home...

I was at a birthday party for a 1yr old on Saturday and I kept being left alone... I felt like an outsider...

Now I realize my chica and best friend has deleted me off of Facebook though she still has my husband and sister on her list...

I just don't get it and I feel like I'm going to become depressed like I have been in the past and I'm trying to avoid it at all costs as I know it's not good for the baby....

I'm excited for when she gets here because at least I will have someone always there with me as well as God. I know he is all I need it's just hard for me because I fee like I'm always left just to be on my own....