Stress... no stress
I need to post about this as it's really bugging me and I really can't talk to anyone about it because like me, we're on the fence about it not choosing sides...

The two men I love more than anything (aside from God) are no longer on speaking terms since I was ill... My husband and my father... It's causing more issues than it's solving I believe... But since I have high blood pressure now and I no longer have the meds for it, I have to take a deep breath or change the subject when one of them says something that brings up the other one... It's so frustrating and hard and I don't know how much more I can take of it....

You can't tell either one of them anything because they are both pretty bullheaded, but I have my health to think about. I don't know if they'll ever be friendly to each other again or not and it's rather sad. It makes me think of what Terry McMillian said the other day on the OWN's shows show "Where are they now?"

-"I think being angry is very stupid and it weighs you down and everyone around you feels it."

On top of this, I was to be back at work on the 4th... I don't see my other Dr. until the 15th. So the company Sedgwick needs more paperwork for an extension by the 12th, but a Dr. isn't gunna fill it out until I'm seen. Food stamps are causing an issue but not as much as unemployment. They don't pay you to get better they pay you to get back to work.